Thousands of reviews across:

Over 12,000 Inspections Performed!
We have experience with old houses built in the late 1800s and early 1900s. We have found issues in brand new construction with improperly installed or forgotten components, & we can do everything in between! Trust our experienced team to inspect your next home purchase.

Inspected From the Top of the Roof to the Bottom of the Basement
We Perform a Thorough Inspection of All Major Components: The Exterior, Foundation, Roof, Attic, Crawlspace, Appliances, Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, & More! We Check Every Outlet, Run Every Faucet, & Turn on Every Appliance to Discover Any Issues There Might Be.
OnSite found issues I never thought the house would have & saved us thousands of dollars in repairs. We were able to negotiate over $25,000 in repairs with the seller because of their thorough inspection and detailed report.
Brian, Client
OnSite Provides a One-Stop Shop for Additional Testing & Inspections
Radon gas testing, sewer scope, mold testing, termite inspection, infrared camera scan, meth testing, & more! See what additional tests & inspections we offer that increase your negotiating power & peace of mind.

We had OnSite do a sewer scope on a home we were buying that was built in 1930. The sewer line had roots and cracked piping. We were able to have the seller get the sewer line replaced, saving us over $12,000!
Christina, Client

We Are Certified Master Inspectors
Even though there are no licensing requirements in Utah, all of our inspectors go through rigorous and long training that takes MONTHS. They also fulfill company-required continuing education each year. Eventually, they reach the status of “Certified Master Inspector”, the highest designation in the home inspection industry. This seal and certification is earned by doing over 1,000 home inspections and inspecting for at least 3 years.
OnSite Home Inspections
223 W 1230 N #313
Provo, Utah 84604
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Check out our home inspection blog for technical articles, insightful explanations, and surprising finds that we come upon while inspecting.